Jesus (2016)
Language : Spanish
Subtitle : English
Genre : Drama
Synopsis : Based on a true story. In Santiago, Chile, eighteen-year-old Jesús is trapped in a dead-end cycle of drugs, sex, apathy, and an obsession with violence. Living in a small flat with his widower father, Hector, where the TV covers up their inability to communicate, doesn't help matters. After his band loses a competition, he and his friends get drunk and head out looking for a thrill. They finally find it in a cemetery: a young defenseless boy crosses their path, and violence ensues. Soon, the attack is national news, and the police are searching for those responsible. Desperate to avoid the authorities, as well as his friends, Jesús has no choice but to turn to his father for help. But, when the flesh of of your flesh is rotten, will you go to any extent to protect it, or will you cut it loose? If this event brings Jesús and Hector closer than ever, it will also tear them apart forever.